Chronological Energizer : A Training Game To Activate Participants

Chronological Energizer is a variation of 'stand in alphabetical order'. It is a training game and it is called Stand in Chronological Order.

In this training game called the chronological energizer get the group to stand. They have to call out their dates of birth in turn and as they do they have to arrange themselves in ascending order – the first participant will have their birthday in January and so on.

Chronological Order
Chronological Graphic Organizer

© For the picture - Chronological GO

After they are done, they have to call out their birthdays to prove to you that they are standing in chronological order. If they are standing in the right chronological order, the training game is successful. If not ask the participants of this training game to rearrange themselves before declaring the training game to be complete.

This training game can also be used as an icebreaker. Of course, in that case you might have to tell them to give their names as well when at the end they speak out their dates of birth.

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They can also be used to communicate a concept effectively. They add the 'aha' or 'Eureka' or 'got it' factor to presentations and lectures. They are great tools to use in debriefs of learning games and training games, to drive home a crucial point.

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