Seeking God - Video Experiences

Seeking God - I am experiencing it!

Seeking God or the Kingdom of God is now part of my experiences. This website is all about learning through experiences. I have been wanting to write for a long time about my experiences with God. I didn't know where to start though. 

God had no problems about this though. He was just waiting for the right things to be in place. Enter COVID. A blessing in disguise. I discovered online teaching through zoom. Soon one thing led to another and He put the idea of interviewing people who believed in Christ on zoom.

Seeking God Channel - Its content?

So, interviews were going to be the content of the channel - or so I thought. 

The focus of the interviews was to get to know how my guests sought God after they believed in Christ. I recorded these interviews, edited them in iMovie and voila I had my first video! The day was May 30th! A momentous day for me!

Soon as weeks passed, I settled at one interview per week.

Seeking God Channel - More Content? What??

Then a friend encouraged me to teach on video on what I had learnt from the Bible through my relationship with God. 

I can't do that!!! Who'll listen? I have no idea where to begin. My mind screamed. I wasn't very enthused about that. 

Then the Lord put an idea in my mind. What if I partnered with Him and allowed Him to teach me live, while I explored a topic from the Bible on video. 

Brilliant! I had to believe Him and allow Him to show me how He thought about the different things that matter to human beings. This experience would be on video. 

What excited me was the thought of the Holy Spirit partnering with me live. I was at once enthused and sick in the stomach at the same time. What if I missed Him? What if I compromised my relationship with Him? 

He is more confident than I am. He is able to keep me through it. I sensed this assurance from inside me. So the video teachings were born.

Seeking God Channel - What should I teach on? 

One area that I had explored very little in the Bible was 'finances'. It was perfect because COVID and the lockdowns had played havoc with people's finances. I was willing to go whole hog on this. I needed some directions too. How do I move towards being generous without dipping into the budget?

On this page I will be sharing the links to all three pages -

1. Videos of Interviews,

2. Videos of Financial restoration and

3. Videos on radical giving

A sample video interview is below. 

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