Site Build It! Review - Web Hosting Par Excellence!

Hello, I am Leena Kapoor. On this page I am writing a review on Site Build It! This is a Site Build It! Review. It's my story of what an excellent web hosting package can do for you. I am from India. I was born in the beautiful garden city of Mysore. I moved to New Delhi in 1995 and have lived there ever since.

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For those who want to cut to the chase, the end of the story is: This website has proved to be hugely successful by the grace of God. A visitor to this website once asked me the reason for dedicating this website to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I gave him the reason. Today, I think it is time I put the reason on the website itself. The website was, has been and continues to be a blessing from the hand of the Lord Jesus. I have been able to renew my subscription to it miraculously (every year/month).

The knowledge that I have been able to share through this website has been considerable. The returns of this sharing has been phenomenal to say the least. It has brought back wisdom, fame, a valuable asset, business, to mention a few.

The Lord Jesus has given back much more than I could imagine.

If that convinces you, buy the SBI (web hosting) success here.-------- SIDEBAR ----------

Although computers and the Internet had been around for quite a while, building a website was not even on the radar of my mind.

I started my career as a teacher and teacher educator in 1991. I was a teaching assistant for a while in the Department of Education, Mysore University. That was where I made my acquaintance with computers, with Wordstar. It seems so long ago, almost primitive huh?

('Site Build It! Review' I am excited about telling you my story of using an outstanding web hosting package with considerable success even if I was a novice. The story continues below.)

When I moved to Delhi I worked as a lecturer (an Indian term for a University teacher) in the Bachelor of Elementary Education course. After a few months I moved to an organisation which trained school leaders in Leadership.

I was a faculty of the Education Leadership Programme of this organisation from 1999 to 2008. I gained an enormous amount of experience in the area of training using experiential methods.

I became good at thinking up games or stories for sessions, or designing sessions using games and other tools. I explored this concept with interest as I saw it helped me teach my children in a way that made learning fun.

I also found out during my work that experience + practice was a sure fire combination that made learning as easy as child's play. Practice could also be fun instead of a bore. 

My journey had started. I did not know about it though. Around this time I heard so much about e-commerce and Internet business that I decided to build a website. A colleague - Prashant Kumar Tyagi, taught me how to use Microsoft's 'Front Page Editor' and I used it to build I spent $30 per year for its hosting and management. (Later I used 'Dreamweaver', because I found it easier.)

('Site Build It! Review' Find more details below of how difficult it was to build a business website on my own. Yet the web hosting package complete with an action guide, made me successful.)

Surfing the Internet I found 'google adsense' a simple and easy way to make money from my site. I did not make too much money on it though. Not because google adsense was bad, but because I had no idea about concepts that needed to be incorporated into my website which would make google adsense work. These concepts were not 'techie' stuff. Rather, they were about knowing your visitor and what she wanted from a website.

Around this time I also read 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki and realised that I could also 'start a business'. I had no idea that this business would turn out to be an Internet business.

(Site Build It! Review - the journey continues. This web hosting package makes it easy to construct a serious money-making website.)

After an exploration which lasted nearly for a year, I realised that the only affordable business that I could get into was the Internet. Since then I have tried quite a few things, some of them mere hypes and others like e-bay which seemed beyond me. During this search I came across information on SBI! I cannot remember how, but the price - $300 - seemed too big an amount to try my hand at something I was obviously a novice at.

I almost gave up when I came across Alan Gardyne's Affiliate site - I read about his experience with SBI. The clinching moment was when I read about his assistant Rupert Farrow - a novice - who built a profitable site using SBI.

(Site Build It! Review - hiccups in my journey. The hiccups were natural considering that it was not easy to buy the SBI web hosting package.)

I still did not feel upto investing $300. So I bought MYSS (Make Your Site Sell) and thought of using it to improve my existing site ''(it no longer exists as of 2008). As I read it I felt impatient at having to do my old site over again and wanted to make my next tryst with Internet business an exciting one. I did some more research on SBI. However I held back from buying the package.

I decided to become an affiliate of SBI. Soon I realised I could not convince anybody without trying the SBI package myself.

(Site Build It! Review - the destination of my journey. Finally, I made the decision to own the best buy for an Internet Entrepreneur - the SBI web hosting package.)

By this time, I had decided to quit my day job, as I seriuously considered having a business as a trainer. I decided to use SBI to launch myself as an independent trainer in my own city as well as across the Internet. So, I finally bought SBI in December 2005. Since then it has been a journey of dicovering the business potential of all that I had learnt in my job. Sharing my knowledge and skills through my SBI website gave me credibility.

Do you know something which you would like to share with the rest of the world? Do you know you can be paid for providing free, valuable and authentic content to your professional community. If so, check out other Case Studies of people who have taken their passion or expertise and turned it into an Internet business. You can do the same with your passion and develop a business with what you know. SBI has helped me write 65 pages about my passion - making learning fun and easy. It has helped me become an infopreneur through Google Adsense.

Other functionalities of the package has brought in contributions from visitors to my site and the number of pages has increased to about 100+

(Google Adsense is the primary way of making money from my website.)

(Site Build It! Review - My Solo Build It journey begins. The best web hosting package delivers fully)

Solo Build It has enabled me to build this site and share the passion I had discovered in my life about learning effectively. It enables me to spread the good news as well as well as get paid for it. I am able to earn something every month because of the information that I share on my site - both online and offline. 

Site Build It! Review - When I started my journey, I discovered their Action Guide made the whole exercise of site building like 'child's play'. I learnt how to find profitable keywords in my area of expertise. The Solo Build It resources helped me to write with my own voice, spin my story to attract human visitors. (Check out their e-books

Make Your Content Pre-Sell (free)

Make Your Knowledge Sell (free)

Make Your Price Sell

Make Your Site Sell (now free)

Make Your Words Sell (free) and find your own spin for your knowledge.)

(Site Build It! Review - the Solo Build It experience. More details about the web hosting package that made it all happen.)

The manual taught me how to make my webpages search engine friendly, so that searches for my set of keywords would bring up my site among the first 20 results. Submitting to search engines was painless. (As I built my Solo Build It site I realised why my old site was a failure.)

The manual even taught me ways to link with good quality sites, so that my link popularity could increase, and the respect for my site among search engines would go up a few notches. As of today (August 2018) my site ranks first on Google for my home page keyword - experiential learning games. Alleluia! Praise the Lord Jesus that I found Solo Build It!

Other than these assets, seeking support from Sitesell support was a customer delight experience. Every question was answered within 24 hours.

Site Build It! Review - support from the SBIers forum.

The forum of the SBIers is a place where I was welcomed with open arms, and my queries were responded to without fail. The community, shares the passion of the founder - Ken Evoy - to help. I was pleasantly surprised when I could give back to the forums by helping other newbies with my experience.

Site Build It! Review - Solo Build It overdelivers all the way.

Solo Build It's passion to overdeliver in every quarter, took my breath away. So much so that a year later, I did not hesitate to renew my subscription. Today it is August 2018, 12 years from the time I bought the package and I have been renewing it ever since.

(Site Build It! Review - My Solo Build It journey continues. Visit this page again for fresh updates on my journey.) Go ahead and order Solo Build It for yourself and do yourself a favor!

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Also get a monthly e-zine 'Stories for EL' free for stories that you can use to emphasise experiential learning. Stories and their lessons are easily remembered.

They can also be used to communicate a concept effectively. They add the 'aha' or 'Eureka' or 'got it' factor to presentations and lectures. They are great tools to use in debriefs of training games and learning games, to drive home a crucial point.

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[This website makes money for me, even while I give you all the information on it for free. Surprised?!!! Don't be. Want to know more about making a website like this one or even a better one and making money from it? Find answers to your questions here .]