Marla Looper/Intelligent Interventions

Community Interventions

Community Interventions

“Intelligent Interventions” is positioning itself to combat social problems by mobilizing business in ways that create self-sufficiency for individuals, families and communities, rather than generate dependency. We will be drawing on the experiences, training, talents and expert know-how of the entire recovering community to conceive of and generate business-driven solutions with significant impact."

My everyday living is a personal demonstration about creating social change by removing barriers and filling the gaps in community services through intervention, prevention, education, implementation and community integration. Through small group community living education and INTELLIGENT development groups, the mission moves closer with the essentials of the "divide and conquer" platforms of power, purpose and passion of PEERS; by raising awareness through training, coaching, facilitating and mentoring.....each individual, family and community will learn to carry the message in their own unique way to their children, friends, families, co-workers and generations to come. Go to my website to fill in the blanks.

Message from Experiential Learning: Go to Jesus if this does not work. After all on the cross, he vanquished everything that is challenging to you.

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