This blog is a record of my experience in building an e-commerce site through Solo Build It.
I am a passionate explorer of how to use experience in learning. I found out in the course of my work that experience + practice was a sure fire combination to make learning simple. Practice could also be fun instead of a bore.
After an exploration of businesses which lasted nearly for a year, I realised that the only affordable business that I could get into was the Internet. Since then I have tried quite a few things, some of them mere hypes and others like e-bay which seemed beyond me. During this search I came across Solo Build It (I cannot remember how) as well but $300 dollars seemed too big an amount to try my hand at something I was obviously a novice at.
I almost gave up when I came across Alan Gardyne's Affiliate I read about his experience with Solo Build It. The clinching moment was when I read about his assistant Rupert Farrow - a novice - who built a profitable site using Solo Build It.
I still did not feel upto investing $300. So I bought MYSS! and thought of improving my existing site. As I read it I felt compelled to buy Solo Build It. However I hesitated again.
I decided to become an affiliate. Soon I realised I could not convince anybody without trying it out myself. I finally bought Solo Build It in December 2005. Since then it has been a journey of dicovering the business potential of all that I had learnt in my job.
Solo Build It has enabled me to build this site and share the passion I had discovered in my life about learning effectively. It enables me to spread the good news as well as well as get paid for it.
Through the Solo Build It package I learnt to build a content/information rich website (Internet surfers seek information on the web not sales hype). I learnt how to presell information seekers by providing quality information on my site.
I learnt to blog, syndicate the information on my site, submit to directories, post to groups in order to consistently building traffic to my site.
Soon I will reach the stage where I will monetise my site and it will generate business and profits.
Below is the record my blog in which you'll find the path that my site has taken to reach where it has today.