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Stories, Games and Articles for EL, Issue -- Coaching and Leadership Skills
October 06, 2008

Coaching and Leadership Skills

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Coaching and Leadership Skills

Coaching And Leadership Skills

Coaching and leadership skills is all about making goals clear to all the members of the business organization. This process maps out the purposes and the functions being filled by each member of the company, from the superiors to the rank and file. Ultimately, this aims to attain the outcome needed to make the business grow and progress.

Coaching and leadership skills is highly recommended for organizations who aren't fulfilling the targets that they set out to accomplish.

It is needed by organizations that don't have competent men and women at the helm of the business operations.

It is needed by organizations who have decided that being the underdog in their respective industries just doesn't make them happy anymore.

Indeed, coaching and leadership skills is the only way by which members of the company can be taught to grab opportunities by the horn and make things happen. Coaching and leadership skills definitely leads to the advancement of three major aspects of individual and team direction.

Individual Perspective And Accomplishment

Coaching and leadership skills provide high morale and greater motivation on the part of every member of the organization. As a result, a culture of passionate completion of every one's duties and responsibilities is put in place. With each worker being empowered, the company as a whole has a better chance of conquering obstacles and limitations.

A business organization with a powerful leadership and business state of mind can be expected to attain bigger results. As every member acquires an attitude that anything is possible, the company is able to take better control of any eventuality, no longer dependent on the sentimentality of market forces.

Planning And Corporate Revolution

Coaching and leadership skills enables companies to focus on their strengths, thereby making off with more opportunities and higher profits. An organization also learns to better position itself in the business arena. With highly empowered members, a corporate revolution is inevitable because a company is able to capitalize on the creativity and innovativeness of its human resources.

Overall Conduct Of Business

As coaching and leadership skills enable the company to see clearly into its future through effective planning strategies, the overall conduct of business becomes more coherent.

The company becomes smarter and is able to raise its profits by throwing out ineffective and hurtful business practices. Positive attitudes and enthusiasm is nurtured and the company as a whole is reinvigorated.

Process of Coaching
Coaching is given only if the coachee has either solicited coaching or has agreed to be coached. The issue on which coaching will be done is specified by the coachee.

The Coach then through a series of information seeking questions identifies the problem that the coachee is facing. If possible the coach will also observe the coachee while s/he is performing.

The observation will be based on a set of criteria or a checklist of factors that make for a good performance. The checklist can either be a standardised checklist for that task or it can be developed in collaboration with the coachee.

The Coach will then provide 'coaching' on the observations of the performance. The coach will mention aspects of performance that were outstanding. Then the coach will ask the coachee to respond to the question 'what do you think of your own performance?'

In response to this question the coachee will mention areas of possible improvement and methods of improvement.

If such a response is not forthcoming, the coach will not mention any negative or average aspects of the performance at anytime during the current coaching session or in future coaching sessions. The reasons:

  • The coachee needs to trust the coach that s/he will never undermine the coachee nor be denigrating.
  • The coachee has to take responsibility for his/her own growth. Only when s/he starts to recognise the areas for self-development will s/he take steps to rectify or grow.
  • If the coach starts to point out the faults in performance, the coachee will get into a justification mode and be defensive about his/her performance. This will not help the coachee to grow. Also the coachee will expect to hear solutions from the coach. Then the coachee will not feel responsible to remedy the situation as the suggestions were not his/her own.

This process of pre-deciding the goals for coaching, performing, coaching on performance, setting the next set of goals for coaching, goes on until the coachee is satisfied with the growth that's been achieved.

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Thank you

Thank you all for the enthusiastic response to the last issue. I hope you like this issue as much as I liked writing it.
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