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Stories, Games and Articles for EL, Issue -- Experiential Learning 14
November 01, 2014

Experiential Learning 14 - Can we be creative all the time?

Necessity is the mother of invention - a saying that suddenly made more sense as I toured some places in the US of A for the last two weeks.

One thing that struck me as I went around at least three states in the USA was their ingenuity in leaving 'mess' out of every equation of work.

To pick up just one area - making tea Indian style - boil (not brew, mind you, brewing is too sophisticated for the run of the mill Indian palate) the silly tea leaves in water and milk till you get the right flavour and colour.

The Indian does not add tea leaves to the concoction in the sauce pan. Instead he adds the teabag (sans the thread, the cardboard tab and the staple pin). Indians will know exactly what I mean. The effect is the same, only there are no messy tea leaves to dispose of - just junk the tea bags, no strainer to clean, no tea leaves clogging the drain etc.

This reminded me of the TQM adage - every problem is an opportunity - to invent.

Go to the page Creativity games to know how to use PO thinking to turn every problem into an opportunity to be creative. Follow the link at the end of game 7, to understand the technique.

The experiment on the experiential survey is still on. Pass the following link on to your friends and invite them to participate in this experiment. Till now the numbers are even for either possibility. Experiential Survey - Can it Lead to a Life Changing Decision?
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You'll find more games and activities - in my e-book "New Training Games". If you purchase the e-book, you'll also get a bonus e-book on creativity techniques. You can use these to create games of your own.

To order your e-book and get the bonus go here. It will cost you just $7. Buy it and add the games to your training repertoire. Get a free e-book on Creativity too.

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Thank you all for the enthusiastic response to EL. I hope you like this issue as much as I liked writing it.
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